Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Two embryos!!

Image via Wikipedia

Amazing - both eggs fertilised. We may actually make it to transfer!!!

Transfer is at 10am Thursday morning now. I'm praying that both those little zygotes make it through cleavage and that we have two lovely little blastomeres to transfer tomorrow.

I cried when the nurse told me that they had both fertilised. I've spent the most awful night and morning wondering what had happened and simultaneously convincing myself that we would get nothing to transfer and hoping that we'd have two fertilised.

Now I see why everyone says IVF runs you ragged. I am riding on an emotional see-saw.
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  1. Ohhh, go, lil zygotes! Wow, roller coaster indeed. Thinking of you, Pundy. Especially in the a.m.!!!


  2. Grow, little ones, GROW!

    I'll continue to send you LOTS of positive thoughts, especially Thursday morning!


"Scout yonder's been readin' ever since she was born." I wasn't quite so precocious but I do love reading comments!