IVF diet queries currently rattling around in my head.
Why am I trying to eat a high protein diet?
Why is there so much conflicting information about pineapple (
bromelain &
selenium containing)?
Maybe I should just be taking supplements of Brom & Se?
Ought I avoid wheat?
Should I be drinking full-fat milk?
What about chocolate, can I still
gorge on eat that?
Is it worth my while to start taking CoQ10?
Will what I eat help get me pregnant? That's what I really want to know.
And fook. The injections are hurting this time round. Last cycle I think my brain was too busy thinking I was going to get a rush from the shots to bother with the ouchiness. This time my brain has realised there is no rush. Poor amazed brain, it's not dealing with all the little screaming
nociceptors in my tender belly flesh so it's sending "Run for the hills" messages when the needles approach. Which is making the jabbing both painful and hesitant.
To combat this I have tried:
1. Sitting down, lining it up and slowly pushing the needles in = ouch
2. Sitting down, lining it up and then not looking as I jab myself = ouch
3. Standing up and fast-sticking myself = not-so-ouchie.
I'm going to try number 3 again tonight and see if I can repeat the non-ouch performance.
I'm feeling relaxed about this cycle (thankyou Fiji). Haven't been obsessive about the jabs, haven't googled anything about the Flare vs whatever rates. Haven't had a tizzy fit at the Big Guy, all in all (at this very early stage) I'm feeling good. Hopeful and good.
I'm due a stim scan on Monday to see how many follicles I'm growing (please God I get more than last time) so we'll see how my cool, calm and collected self is going then.
Cranky-pants vent from me - actually it's a jealous-vent. The Big Guy (@badhusband, follow him and tell him how naughty he is) is
going to San Francisco at the end of October and I'm eaten alive with envy. He's off to the Google Summer of Code Mentors conference cause he's a Big Clever and Helpful Guy and his open-source program/organisation participated in the SoC. I was going to be going with him but then we did the Fiji thing because we're complete suckers and we got talked into a stupid Wyndham vacation trial (don't do it, it's not worth it in the end) and the only place we could book was Fiji and so we went there and now he's going to the USA without me.
Without ME. Can you believe it? Why can't we be kazillionaires and have me go too?