Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Weekly Awesome #1

Rainbows where I least expect them

... on the hand dryer in the bathroom at work.

Props to 1000 Awesome Things - I'm now inspired to find the awesome in my life. I'm going to make this a weekly thing, feel free to join in!


  1. It's gorgeous! And what an unusual place for a rainbow to appear! :-)

  2. cool and weird all at the same time!

  3. I bet there was a little leprechaun following you around that day!

  4. what a great idea! i'm one for routine and that will be fun to look forward to. another similar topic that i've seen are the top things you can't live without. not really one that you can do for 1000 but it could be fun for a while.

  5. What a great project! I can't wait to see what you notice.

  6. Thank you for these weekly awesomes. They are exactly that. Have just been highly entertained by 1-3 (PLUS some chicken action).

    You are providing a public service:)


"Scout yonder's been readin' ever since she was born." I wasn't quite so precocious but I do love reading comments!