But not anymore.
I still have a metaphorical hard-on for David Boreanaz, I still enjoy the quips and the plots, I still like beating them to the cause of death and the murderer but my love for the show has, on the whole, been tainted, destroyed even, by two things.
1. Seely Booth is in a relationship with a blondie. That just kills me. I used to spend a good proportion of any episode waiting for him to take off his shirt and do Bones, in a dream, a coma, a fantasy, whatever. I waited and sometimes he did. Sometimes he even got nekkid with casual s.ex partners and that was cool by me. But now the writers have ruined the UST (unresolved sexual tension) between Booth and Bones and to top it off they gave him a p.orn-worthy, intelligent, Bones-liking girlfriend. She's the antichrist peeps and I hates her. He's MY precious.
MY precious!
2. Then, not only did they screw with my fantasies, they screwed with my safe haven. Were there ever any babies or pregnant people in Bones? Noooooo, just rotting corpses and lots of s.exy thoughts. Now, NOW they have ruined that too. Ruined it so much that even tBG sighs loudly every time they mention their babyjoy.
Stoopid Hodgkins and Angela made a baby - accidentally no less. And every fucking episode has mention, no, dedicated screen time to the pregnancy. So I want to shoot the TV. And the writers. How dare they fuck up my favourite show so badly.
(Not sure if these pics are NSFW - male chests shown. Are they NSFW?)
And now I'm thinking about vampire hotties, is it just me or does everyone lerv Eric Northman.
And who would you prefer - David Boreanaz or Alexander Skarsgård?
The Quiet Zone
5 hours ago