Photos that work without trying (the rides were awesome too especially No Limit).
Naughty chickehs that come looking for cat fud.
Impressionism by accident (our Gallery has a water window).
What a busy study year this has been. But much better than the Year of Hell doing my Honours thesis and IVF at the same time. I started the study year very apprehensively because of that bad awfulness but I settled into it ok and my anxiety levels haven't caused collapses or breakdowns (so far). And now, suddenly, I've almost finished the coursework for the Master. I've maintained a straight A average throughout the year and I'll be so fucking glad when I'm done with the last two pieces of assessment and I can forgo straight As forever and just work on the "Ps get degrees" theorem.
I'm finalising my application for the PhD and while I'm a shoe-in to get accepted into the program, a scholarship is not so certain, so I'm nervous about that.
I still wish that I'd get miraculously pregnant and it still hasn't happened and I still get disappointed every single month. Stoopid or what?